The coyotes are getting mighty bold

We have coyotes coming out our ears. And they’re getting more brazen all the time. I suppose I should go do something about that.

I’ve seen good coyote years in the past, but this year is ridiculous. We have had packs of coyotes roaming all over our place, and our neighbors have been saying the same thing. Interestingly enough, none of the neighbors have been missing any chickens – yet. But if those coyotes make too big a dent in the also inflated rabbit population, they might start getting more interested in those chickens, or even cats or other pets.

We even have two coyotes that have basically turned our backyard into their own private thoroughfare. I see them just about every morning and again nearly every evening. They run right past our greenhouse, follow the fenceline over to the arena, then disappear behind the arena on their way to my neighbor Kevin’s place. I usually text Kevin when I see them to tell him to be ready, but he says he hasn’t seen them pop out on his side yet.

I think they’re headed for the property just south of his place, so yesterday, I dialed up our location on my OnX Hunt map, and I found the name of the owner of that piece of land. Kevin and I have stood out on his porch at night and listened to what sounded like 20 coyotes howling and yipping out there in those 640 acres of tall grass.

I kind of like having coyotes around. They’re cool to watch, when they’re out in the pasture eating ground squirrels. But with this many coyotes, I’m starting to worry about the other animals we have around the house. I suppose it’s time for Kevin and me to thin the coyote population around here, at least a little bit.

Besides, it’s another good excuse to get outside with a good friend, do some shooting, and maybe even get a couple nice pelts.

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