The New NCAA Transfer Rule Will Have Numerous Impacts on College Sports

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by Keith Kelley–16 Apr ’21

The NCAA has approved a game-changer for big-time collegiate athletics. A one-time transfer, without penalty, meaning a student-athlete can leave a program for another, and not have to sit out a year. And that would be a one-time opportunity.

Wyoming Cowboy linebacker Chuck Hicks says it’s a tough issue, but believes that if you’re going to transfer, it should be because of a specific reason, and not just because you want to leave.

“I feel like every situation is different when they (a student-athlete) are trying to transfer. I still think it should go off of reason, like, what is your reason behind transferring, just because a lot of kids try to transfer for no reason, and I feel like that’s a problem nowadays. I don’t know if it (transferring) should be free all of the time. I think it’s good for the kid that needs to get out of a program, if something didn’t go right, he got in trouble, or something happened. But other than that happening, when you’re committed to a program, when you’re a freshman, when you sign, I feel like you should be there for the whole four years.”

The Cowboy football team continues with spring practice this weekend, wrapping up their second week of spring tomorrow (Saturday) in Laramie.

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