I’m meeting my new pup this weekend

This is going to be a long week, because I’m really looking forward to the weekend. I get to go meet my new retriever on Sunday.

I have a feeling this week is just going to seem like it crawls by. Time always seems to slow down when you’re waiting for something. And for me, that something is getting to meet my new Golden Retriever.

Well, I won’t be sure which of the five males in the litter is the one I’ll get to take home in September. There are four other Golden buyers in line ahead of me, and even though the breeder is going to do her best to match the pups’ personalities with their future homes, we won’t know for sure which one is going to be mine until all the other owners have picked theirs.

But that’s OK. The pup is from a pair of parents that both still have hunting abilities, and it’s a Golden Retriever. So I’m good with whichever one is mine.

The only thing I’m nervous about is how my Australian Shepherd’s going to take it. She’s been an only dog for quite a while now. We lost her only canine companion last September, so she’s spent almost a year being the center of attention. However, I realized a few months ago that she’s ready for a new pup, too. My brother-in-law came for a visit and brought his three insane dogs. In the past, Paisley would have growled at them and tried to get as far away from them as possible. But instead, she spent the whole time playing with them – even when they were being insufferably annoying.

It’ll be good to have two dogs in the house again, especially when one of them can go hunting with me. I haven’t had a good hunting dog since my last Golden Retriever, and because of that, I haven’t made much of an effort to go out after upland birds or waterfowl. I’m ready to take a furry friend to the fields again.

But this weekend’s just about meeting the dogs. I have to wait until September to take it home. It’s going to be a long week, and an even longer month.

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