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Great Outdoors

I’m coming back home to Wyoming

I’ve had the opportunity to be the staff photographer for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department since November. It was an incredible job, but we couldn’t find a place to call home. And to […]

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Great Outdoors

Happy Turkey Day!

I know, a show about giving thanks on Thanksgiving is pretty predictable. But it doesn’t feel right to overlook the importance of this day. However, because this is a program about the outdoors, I’ll just […]

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Great Outdoors

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know, a show about giving thanks on Thanksgiving is pretty predictable. But it doesn’t feel right to overlook the importance of this day. However, because this is a program about the outdoors, I’ll just […]

FrontPage Slider

Senator Ted Cruz makes campaign stop in Cheyenne

CHEYENNE.  CSNN, (AP) – Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz swung through Cheyenne with promises to undo huge portions of President Obama’s legacy. The junior U.S. senator from Texas says he would “rip to shreds” a nuclear agreement […]